
dimarts, 10 de desembre del 2013

Second step: ART THEFTS

This information graphic is about art robberies, particularly focused on the one that happened in Boston in 1990, which is considered the biggest heist of the history as still there are artworks missing.
The data is from different websites about this kind of information.

The idea was to create an information graphic that dealt about the theft in Boston: the main information and how faithhey were happening the facts, as it has a curious story. I also considered important to report the biggest art thefts in recent years, and to establish a ranking with the most stolen artists.

The colors are simple and smooth because the graphics carry a palette of vivid colors; but with special attention to the red, the color of crime, also combined with black and dark blue to create contrast.

The information is positioned high to low importance. The title is simple, but you can appreciate a fingerprint (with the idea of ​​introducing the audience on the subject). Regarding the theft of Boston, we have the basic information represented in a very simple way and steps that followed the robbers with an explanation and a picture to make it more visual and enlightening. In addition, the steals of the last ten years are represented by paintings (to refer to the subject in question) and the main information (money equivalent to theft and where and when they happened). The ten most stolen artists are represented with a self-portraits of the authors along with the number of pieces of stolen art.

2 comentaris:

  1. wow Ari!!! what's that?? Is a really good graphic! very well explained, organized, and it's gool is really understandable!

    1. Thank you so much! The idea was to have a clear hierarchy!
